Swinging London. From his flat in Notting Hill Gate, Ray Purbbs exhibits an'underground' (which is, counterculture) magazine, Mouth, assisted with his fellow hippies Alex, both Jill and Hugo. Ray is passionate about protest, ludicrously enthusiastic about every hip trend and convinced he's (or might be) a big player in the conflict between the Establishment and the alternate society. Alex - though he also looks enthusiastic about golf than changing society and comes from a wealthy background - is coolness personified, a guy so laid he generally seems to exist outside of reality. Jill adopts the newfound liberty lent asserts and her sex to espouse love that is completely free, though this attitude doesn't stretch for her'boyfriend'. Hugo is vague, almost glorious in his obliqueness. Led by Ray, the quartet jump onto every bandwagon that is trendy and fail to make the tiniest little difference they do. The gang have been pretty useless at everything - in actuality, they're not even that good at being hippies.
Released: 1999-11-12