Naruto Shippuden the Movie Road to Ninja
Sixteen years ago, a mysterious hidden ninja unleashes a powerful creature called the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox on the Hidden Leaf Village Konoha, killing men and women. In reply, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki, the Demon Fox's dwelling prison or Jinch?riki, manage to seal the monster inside their newborn kid Naruto Uzumaki. With all the Tailed Beast sealed, things continued as ordinary. Nevertheless, in today, serenity ended when several ninja identified as the Akatsuki attack Konoha under the guidance of Tobi, the mysterious masked man supporting Fox's rampage years ago that plans on executing his plan to rule the world by shrouding it in illusions.
Released: 2012-07-28
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